Hey this is Parker, your favorite Atlanta realtor! Well, spring is in bloom and the Atlanta real estate market is in boom. Things are even wilder now than they were last year, and as we all know, 2020 was a pretty wild year.

Here’s a quick update in some trends I’ve noticed in the Atlanta real estate market. As I mentioned before, due to the high demand last year prices were up 10 to 14 percent across the board. Well, that has definitely continued this year, and it’s led to some very interesting trends.




First off is what I call anticipated price inflation. Generally when a home lists, the list price of that home is based upon recently sold comparable properties. I think that people are already anticipating another five to ten percent increase in prices this year, and they’re going ahead and factoring that into their offers.

Many houses are going under contract above the list price, so that makes it increasingly likely that the bank appraisal is going to come in below the offered price. Which means that you have to be willing to pay the difference in cash. So, if their appraisal comes in low, and they need to make a slightly smaller down payment in order to cover the difference, that seems to be fine with many buyers now.

This observation is actually based on some conversations I’ve had with some of my lenders. They have started seeing some of the appraisals coming in low, because so many people are bidding up the value of these homes. What will happen is as these houses close and people make up the difference with cash out of pocket what’s going to happen is those will become new comps and those will help support the price valuations. You know, two or three months down the road, the problem right now is that it’s happening so quickly that the comps just simply haven’t had time to catch up.

The second trend I’ve noticed is the number of listing agents who are just simply overwhelmed and cannot keep up. Most agents are great communicators, and that’s one of the areas you really need to shine in order to succeed in real estate. So, if you’re dealing with just one buyer on one home search or one home under contract that’s going to generate you know a very significant amount of text and emails and phone calls. These listing agents where they may have a few houses listed and they’re dealing with multiple offers flying in from all angles – I mean they’re literally dealing with you know hundreds of emails and texts and phone calls – it’s overwhelming, it really is. So I’ve noticed a significant decrease in people’s ability or willingness to respond to inquiries, and it’s been a big challenge for everyone. It’s one of those situations where you have to realize you know this is not the norm, and you have to try to really extend your patience and understanding.

One of the houses we recently wrote an offer on received 29 other offers, and ended up under contract for $24,000 over the asking price. I’ve spoken with many agents who’ve had 20 plus offers on all of their listings. One of the houses we wanted to see recently came on the market on a Thursday morning, which is when a lot of homes list, and by noon that day every available showing slot for that house for the next two days had been filled up!

The third trend I’ve noticed is agents going straight to highest and best. Most of them will say send us your highest and best offer by 8 pm on Sunday, and we’ll make our decision Monday morning. Now in normal times, most houses will typically generate just, you know, one or two offers. In certain situations where you have a very high demand property, a house might get you five, six, seven offers, and that’s when you say: hey send us your highest and best. What you’re doing is you’re letting all the people who’ve currently made an offer know that hey, we are in a multiple offer situation, and I need to see your highest and best offer by 8 pm on Sunday. This is a fairly effective strategy in multiple offer situations because it just lets everybody know, yeah there’s a lot of offers on the table, so just you know put out your best offer right away. We’re not going to go counter offer and go back and forth and negotiate all the details, just show us what you got right now, and we’ll consider it. It also saves a lot of back and forth on the part of the agents fielding phone calls saying: hey do you have any other offers? Yes we’ve got lots of other offers, so send us what you got.

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The fourth and final trend that I’m going to talk about today is that houses that formerly would have sat on the market going wanting for a buyer are now flying off the market. Two years ago houses had to be HGTV ready, I mean perfect in every aspect:  all the paint, the floor, kitchen cabinets, everything had to be perfect or people just kind of turned their noses up at them. I’m a big believer in the diamond in the rough properties – I love those little old lady houses that are well maintained, but you know need some paint, need some freshening up. I think there’s a tremendous amount of value there, and apparently everybody in the Atlanta market has now come around to my way of thinking, because these houses are not staying on the market anymore. Now people are beginning to see that location is more important than anything else. You can fix up an okay house in a good neighborhood, but you can’t take a bad neighborhood and turn it into a good neighborhood. You can’t lower your property taxes, you can’t double the size of your house – you just have to move somewhere else!

So here’s some data looking at March 2021 versus March of 2020:  there were 800 fewer listings this year than there were last year, and houses under contract were up 12% this year versus last year, which is another indication that those houses that used to sit on the market that just didn’t pass the sniff test 18 months ago, those houses are all selling very quickly. Now this isn’t to frighten you, I only want to inform people about what’s going on in the Atlanta market. Demand is very high, but you can still find a good house. If you’re planning on moving here, you’re definitely going to want to bring your patience, and you’re definitely going to need to prepare yourself to work hard and face some disappointments, but ultimately you’ll find the house you want. I had some clients and we’ve had some close calls recently, where you know, we were in a multiple offer situation, we didn’t get the house, but ultimately we found a house for them.

You know, a few weeks later, a month later, and what’s interesting is that all of those clients came back to me and they said, you know Parker we actually ended up with the best house we’re so glad we didn’t get that other house because we really feel like we got the best house for our family, and that’s really nice to hear, because sometimes as an agent you know you’re you’re doing your best, you’re working really hard and for whatever reason, you get beat out by a cash buyer. It’s kind of hard to compete with cash so it is really nice to hear back from these clients and say you know, what all that frustration it worked out in the end.

Another point to note is that the more money you have to spend, the less competition there is for a house. The median sales price in Atlanta is currently around three hundred thousand dollars, which means half of the houses are above $300k and half sell for below $300k. Obviously there are far more people that can afford a $250,000 house than can afford a $500,000 house, and when you get to six and seven hundred thousand dollars, the competition falls off dramatically. Far fewer people can afford the more expensive properties, so if you’ve got you know five or six hundred thousand dollars to spend, be comfortable in knowing that you’re probably going to find a great house fairly quickly.

So I hope you found that helpful! If you’re buying or selling anywhere in Atlanta or anywhere in the state of Georgia, my contact info is in the box below please feel free to give me a call, shoot me a text, send me an email – I’d love to work with you.

Moving to Atlanta? Living in Atlanta Ga – 5 things I hate about Atlanta.

Hey everyone it’s Parker your favorite Atlanta realtor, and today i’m going to tell you the five things I hate about Atlanta. Welcome to my channel, which is where I share information about moving to Atlanta, about having fun in Atlanta, and insider information about how things really work in Atlanta.

Let’s get going the number one thing I hate about Atlanta is the pollen. Atlanta is the city of trees and every spring those trees make unbelievable amounts of pollen. If you have pollen allergies, you may want to think twice before moving to Atlanta. At the peak of spring pollen season, you can watch the pine trees and literally see clouds of pollen blowing out. It covers your car in a thick layer – if you have a black car, you might as well go ahead and sell it and get something silver or gold, because all it does is show off the pollen. Even for those of us who don’t have allergies if you get a few days without rain to wash the pollen down you can really start to feel the symptoms of hay fever. Pollen season is a big old mess in Atlanta.

Another downside of all these trees is the sap that comes out of the oaks in the spring – you’ll get in your car and you’ll see on your windshield like there’s this fine mist and then you turn on your windshield wipers to try to clean it all off and it’s like maple syrup just being smeared across your windshield. It’s bad! And, the oak trees make tremendous amounts of these little seed tassels in the spring and in the fall. I mean there’s just billions of pounds of leaves and all of that ends up on your roof. If you don’t clean that off, it’ll rot your roof it’ll get down in your gutters, it’ll clog your gutters, rot out your soffits – it does create a significant amount of home maintenance.

Now those gripes being set aside, I actually love all the trees in Atlanta. I could never live out west and if you’re coming from New Mexico or Texas or one of these arid climates where they don’t have any trees, it’s actually astonishing when you get to Atlanta and you see it’s a forest. It’s a gigantic forest!

Number two of the things I hate about Atlanta: ice storms!!! Atlanta has these incredible ice storms where freezing rain falls from the skies for hours on end, it piles up on the power lines, on the tree branches, all of that gets dragged down and your power’s out for the next three days! Back in 2014, Atlanta experienced what has come to be known as Snowpocalypse. Some people call it Snowmageddon, but i really prefer Snowpocalypse.

Now this will all seem quite amusing if you’re from the north, but here’s the nutshell version of what happened in Snowpocalypse. Late in January 2014, we had several days of sub-freezing weather, and on a Friday, it started to snow very heavily and started to stick to the roads, which is very, very rare in Atlanta. It was the middle of the day, and the schools all said, hey let’s send the kids home, and so everybody that’s at work who had kids had to head home to get their kids, and the bosses said, hey it looks like it’s starting to stick, why don’t we just send everybody home? So you had a classic Atlanta traffic jam combined with a ton of snow!!!  There were 800 traffic accidents that day people – ended up sleeping in their cars, people ended up sleeping at work, people ended up abandoning their cars on the side of the highway and just getting out and trying to walk home. It was a total mess, and then what happened is over the next several days it was still right around freezing, it got just enough above freezing that the snow melted a little bit and then overnight it froze super hard again and two days later this entire town was glazed with ice. It was five days before you could go anywhere on the roads, so it’s not so much that Atlanta gets snow and gets ice like every other state, it’s that it happens so infrequently that we’re just really not prepared to handle it.

We saw what happened in Texas just last week –  they had a major storm move in, everybody lost power, they’re freezing in their homes. Similar things have happened in Atlanta, so be prepared.

Number three – we have roaches!!! Not just any kind of roach, we have palmetto bugs – these giant freaking roaches – you’ll see them in your house and they’ll suddenly take flight and land on you and terrorize you. A few years ago I was having a dream that I had a roach on my face and I slapped my face in the middle of the night, and I said, oh that was funny I was dreaming I had a roach on my face, and I slapped myself. Well, I look in the bed next to me and there’s a dead roach!!! There was a roach on my face, and that’s what these roaches do, they’ll get on you, they’re not afraid of you.

Mosquitoes – okay, combined with the roaches, we have mosquitoes. Atlanta’s great I’d say 10 months out of the year, July and August roll around, forget it – tons of mosquitoes.

Black widows – now if they all look like ScarJo I wouldn’t mind, but these are real black widows. A couple of years ago my son’s teacher was reaching into her mailbox to get her mail out, and she got bit by a black widow in her own mailbox!!!! Another time my son had an old Bob the Builder hat that he loved to wear and it sat out in the yard for a few days, and he went out there and picked it up, and he was about to put it on his head, and he looked down, and there’s a giant black widow that had built a nest inside of his hat!!!  You’ve got to keep your eyes open!

We also have brown recluses or at least i think we have brown recluses. Honestly if I see a spider anywhere, I just kind of step on it and squish it.

Number four of the things I hate about Atlanta:  the wild animals!!! We have copperheads that have been making an appearance over the last several years. Snake bites have gone way up! We’ve been seeing a lot of these copperheads on the trails where we like to hike and bike and walk, and just last summer we went down to the new Peachtree Creek park, and my son wanted to go down and splash around in the water. Well my oldest son says Dad, there’s a snake there, and I look down and there’s a copperhead that’s as big around as a baseball bat!!!!  Just a huge snake sitting right there waiting to bite somebody!

Atlanta also has an increasing population of coyotes. Normally you don’t see them during the day, although the last few years it’s becoming more and more common. They do come out at night, and I gotta warn you if you have cats, you want to keep them indoors after dark. That’s not an exaggeration – this is for real!!! Coyotes love to go after cats, so keep them indoors.

And number five of the things I hate about Atlanta!!! I should have actually made this number one, I should have done these in reverse order, but number five –  we’ll say five is the greatest, the most hated thing in Atlanta. You probably know the traffic here is awful, but the thing I hate the most about it is that they never stop working on the roads. You’re always out trying to get somewhere, and they’ve always got a road closed because they’re trying to improve the roads, but their improvements never actually make anything better!!! Up in Sandy Springs, which is one of the busiest parts of Atlanta, they have been working on the I-285 perimeter interchange with Georgia 400 since 2017!!!! Back in October, after nearly three years of work, they finally opened one section of the new road! So my advice to people moving to Atlanta is always know where your work is, and live very close to there you don’t want to spend a lot of time on the highways in Atlanta. So I hope you found that fun and informative if you’re making the move to Atlanta, please give me a call I’d love to talk to you, I’d love to help you find a house, Thanks!!!


The Real Pros and Cons of Decatur Ga | Living in Decatur, Georgia

Decatur is a small town with a classic town square layout – all of the shops and restaurants surround an open plaza that hosts artists and musicians, dogs and families all year long in Atlanta’s mild climate. The DeKalb County courthouse and municipal buildings are close to the square as well. Dekalb county employees bring a bustling lunch business to the downtown Decatur restaurants.

The neighborhoods around the square are mostly single family homes, with some townhomes and a limited number of apartment rentals.

I love Decatur and have lived within the city of Decatur for almost 25 years now. I think the area is great and that Decatur is one of the most charming areas of Atlanta. I’ve created this video to give you a local’s view of the 5 pros and 5 cons of living in the City of Decatur.




I’m here to give you information that you may not not find out until you live in Decatur. Like I said, I love Decatur, but I’m here to give it to you straight, so let’s start with the CONS.

Con #1

Decatur has a cool downtown, and all of the charm of the downtown comes at a price – It’s Expensive to live in Decatur! You will have a very difficult time finding an updated house for less than $700k.

Decatur is a pretty small geographic area within the Metro Atlanta area, and it is in very high demand, which causes the price of homes within the city limits to be much higher than the Atlanta average.

In July 2020, the median home sale price in Decatur was over $600K. That means that half of the homes sell for more than $600k and half are below $600k. When people start looking at moving to Decatur, most people are shocked at how little $600K will buy. These aren’t Manhattan prices, of course, but they are pretty steep compared to the nearby neighborhoods outside of the city. For example, just outside the city limits of Decatur going towards Emory university, you can find an updated 3/2 ranch with a basement for $400k.

Con #2 is property taxes. Not only are the homes more expensive per square foot, the millage rate is higher than the unincorporated Dekalb County areas around Decatur. City of Decatur property taxes are sometimes double what you would pay on a similar house outside the city limits. To be fair, that is part of the price you pay to have a great public school system. City of Decatur Schools are some of the best in the Atlanta metro area. An average private school in Atlanta costs $700 per month at the low end. So, you really could look at the increased taxes as the value of a great school system. One of my next videos will be comparing home prices and property taxes inside and outside the Decatur city limits. If you are considering moving to the Decatur area and would like this information, click the subscribe button so that you will be notified when that video drops! Also, you can call me if you have any questions about Decatur or if you need help finding a home.

So let’s get to Con #3 – Decatur is somewhat isolated from rest of ATL – when you are getting around Atlanta, you are almost guaranteed to add 20 minutes to your drive if you live in Decatur. Most of Atlanta’s shopping and restaurants are in the midtown, Buckhead and Westside areas. Decatur does have many superior restaurants and lots of cute shops, but if you want fine dining or higher end shopping, you will have a drive.

Also, Decatur is not close to any major highways. Many people do still work in Downtown Atlanta and Decatur is convenient to that, but in Atlanta, large companies are shifting north to midtown/buckhead/and further north like Alpharetta – If you work at Emory, the CDC or CHOA, though, Decatur is very convenient. The Emory campus is exactly 2.5 miles from the Decatur Square via Clairmont Road.


This brings us to Con #4 of living in Decatur – Traffic!

Atlanta traffic in general is some of the worst in the country, and Decatur is no different. Part of the increased drive time to get to and from Decatur is due to the fact that there are few roads into Decatur. The main road that brings you into Decatur, Clairmont Road, can get very congested. It can take about 10 minutes for the 2 1/2 mile drive from downtown Decatur to Emory, and much much more during heavy commute times.

And the Final Con #5 about the City of Decatur – The Parking. If you move to Decatur and buy a single family home or townhome, you won’t have any trouble parking at your home. The main thing that Decatur residents complain about is the limited parking in the downtown commercial area. some businesses have left due to limited parking and problems they say it has caused their business. There limited on street parking – it can be hard to find a convenient spot, and you have to pay. Residents have complained that the minimum parking fee is $3, whether you are staying an hour or stopping for 10 minutes to pick up takeout. There is a large parking deck near the municipal buildings, though, and the charges there are pretty in line with what you would pay throughout Atlanta.

So, I’ve given you a local’s view of 5 Cons of the City of Decatur, so stick around and we will get into the 5 Cons of the City of Decatur.

Pro #1 of the City of the Decatur is that it has some of the most charming houses and neighborhoods anywhere in Atlanta. If you love a Craftsman bungalow or Farmhouse style home, Decatur is the place for you. The local historic preservation committee also ensures that new construction conforms to the surrounding neighborhoods. Just a side note, the permit office can be both a positive and a negative, since Renovations/remodels/builds can be difficult – permitting office is tougher than unincorporated Dekalb.

Pro #2 of the City of Decatur is the Community.

What people love most about Decatur is the community feel. As I mentioned before, if you’ve ever been to Asheville NC or Austin TX, Decatur has that same kind of creative vibe. Decatur is full of excellent farm to table restaurants, music and art festivals and community events sponsored by the city.

Decatur hosts the Decatur Arts Festival in the Spring. It is one of Atlanta’s largest arts festivals, and draws people from all over the city. It’s held on the square and several of the surrounding streets are closed off for 3 days. There are tons of arts and crafts vendors, food tents and trucks, live music on the square and family and kids activities.

In the fall, Decatur hosts the Decatur Book Festival. It’s a large multi-day festival on the square – there are tons of activities for families, and authors from all around the country come to give talks and sign books.

Pro #3 of the City of Decatur is the great selection of independent stores and restaurants.

Like I said earlier, there are tons of great restaurants in Decatur. The Brick Store Pub is a beer lover’s delight, possibly the best selection of beers anywhere in Atlanta. They really set Decatur off in 1997 when they opened. There was literally nothing in Downtown Decatur and then all of the sudden this great community pub opened and everything blossomed form there. It was really quite incredible to witness the rebirth of this city. I lived in nearby Avondale Estates in 1997, and it’s hard to believe now when you see how much Decatur has to offer, but back then there wasn’t much to do on a Friday night before the Brick Store came in!!!

Now, in downtown Decatur, you can eat some of Atlanta’s best tacos at Taqueria del Sol. My wife’s favorite tacos are the fried fish tacos that have spicy creamy sauce and pickled jalapeños – I love the carnitas.  In Decatur, you can sample Indian street food at a restaurant called Chai Patti..

Decatur also has a rich music scene. Eddies Attic is one of Atlanta’s oldest live music venues, right on Decatur square since 1991, they have hosted thousands of great artists like the Indigo Girls, The Black Crowes, Sugarland and John Mayer.

Pro #4 is that the City of Decatur is very walkable. Most of the neighborhoods in Decatur were built in the late 1800’s to the early 20th century, when people walked everywhere. Most neighborhoods have sidewalks and many are walking distance to neighborhood shops and restaurants. The downtown Decatur area is very walkable – once you park you car, you will not need it again for a day of shopping and dining.

One other quick thing to note is that Decatur square sits right on top of the MARTA station. MARTA is Atlanta’s subway system. It’s nice that it’s in Decatur, particularly if you need to get to the airport.

This takes us to the final Pro – #5 – The Schools! The City of Decatur is it’s own independent school system, and it is the best overall in the intown Atlanta area. It is small – there is just one high school, one middle school and 7 elementary schools. The elementary schools have heavily involved parents, high community involvement and excellent test scores. The excellent city schools is an enormous part of why the City of Decatur is such a desirable place to live. There are also several great private schools such as St. Thomas More, The Friends School, a Waldorf School and a Montessori School.

So there you have it – the straight talk about the pros and cons of living in the City of Decatur.

If you’d like more information and insider info about moving to and living in the areas around Emory University, please subscribe and watch my other videos.

Where to live in Atlanta near Emory University? North Druid Hills

Hey this is Parker Smith with Palmer House Properties in Atlanta. If you’re moving to Atlanta and you’ve been checking out the area around Emory University stick around because we’re going to talk about North Decatur.


So what’s so great about the North Decatur area?


Well number one we talked about the proximity to some of Atlanta’s largest employers: Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta is currently moving all of their buildings along the I-85 corridor between North Druid Hills and Clairmont Road and the Centers for Disease Control has a campus at Emory University, and also one over off Burford Highway, both of which are very close to the area.


So where is the North Decatur area? North Decatur is comprised of three zip codes:  it’s 30329 3033 and 30345. It’s roughly the area that you see on the map – it is north of Emory University, slightly east of the Toco Hills shopping center, to the east of I-85 and south of i-285. Atlanta has three major highways: you have 75 and 85,which make an x through the city, and then you have I-285, which is called the perimeter which makes a ring around the city. In Atlanta, people refer to locations as either being ITP, which is inside the perimeter, or OTP, which is outside the perimeter. North Decatur is all – ITP inside the perimeter and it’s located in the northeast part of town – that’s a very desirable location for the reasons we’ve always already talked about: it’s close to employers and it’s very easy to get around to all the great spots in Atlanta.

So let’s take a little tour of the zip codes in North Decatur which again are 30329, 30033 and 30345. We’ll start at Toco Hills shopping center, which is located on the westernmost edge of North Decatur. Toco Hills was recently renovated and has attracted boutique shopping and high-end chain restaurants. There are also two large grocery stores: Publix and Kroger, which are at the shopping center and Toco Hills is just north of Emory University. Toco Hills is in the 30329 zip code and just east of there is Sagamore Hills. Sagamore Hills is full of larger ranches on large lots. There are two swim tennis clubs: Briarcliff Beach Club and the Sagamore Hills pool.


The neighborhood swim tennis clubs are a big part of the social life in North Decatur. All the clubs have very active swim teams, year-round tennis teams and most clubs have a lot of very fun social events during the year. Okay our next stop is going to be the Oak Grove area located at Oak Grove road and LaVista Road. The Oak Grove plaza is kind of the crossroads of the North Decatur community – it’s where all the locally owned shops and restaurants are, and it’s the place everyone knows about – even the people who don’t live here. If someone asks you where you live you can say you know where the Oak Grove Market is, and they say oh yeah that’s a great neighborhood. Even people who live a mile down the road in briar lake say they live in Oak Grove. It’s a convenient landmark that represents the whole community and the Oak Grove Market is really the center of the the area it originally started as a meat market has evolved into a great little 1950s style diner. The Oak Grove Market is a great place to grab lunch – they grill chicken and burgers every day, you can also pick up pre-made dinners there which is very popular. Just down from there is a fine dining and cocktails restaurant called Kitchen Six and a great Mexican food restaurant called Taqueria el Vesino and out front is a terrific sports bar known as The Grove –  all these restaurants stay very very busy.

Continuing east down LaVista Road takes you to Briarlake Elementary – it is a wonderful school. It has a hearing impaired inclusion program, so many of the teachers there use sign language. Right next to Briarlake Elementary is a true local treasure which is David’s Produce. David’s has been in business since 1933 –  they have fresh boiled peanuts, fresh produce, all sorts of hot sauces and relishes and the best variety of gourmet sodas in the area. We love to get our peaches from David’s during peach season. They’re very picky about what they sell and the peaches are always fantastic. The North Decatur area is full of fun things to do, whether it’s eating out or just getting outside. Like i said before tennis is huge – if you don’t belong to a swim tennis club don’t worry right in the area is the Dekalb tennis center. The Dekalb tennis center is part of the Mason Mill complex which has the Avis G Williams library, a senior center, a large playground as well as the boardwalk trail called The Path that goes directly to Emory University and Medlock Park. I think what makes the North Decatur area so special is that it just has a great small town feel. It has a really incredible diverse and vibrant community of people that all really care. It’s just a really special place to live it really does feel like living in a small town in a big city. If you need more information about the area feel free to call me text me send me an email i’m here to help!

The Best Place to Live in Georgia

Our local newspaper, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, recently ran an article about the best place to live in the state of Georgia.

According to the article, each year, data research website Niche ranks the best places to live in the United States.

The ranking provides a comprehensive assessment of the overall livability of an area, taking into account location, quality of local schools, crime rates, housing trends, employment statistics and access to amenities. In an attempt to measure the overall quality of an area in Georgia, Decatur came out on top with an A+ overall rating.




The city of Decatur was originally incorporated in 1823, and it’s about six miles east of downtown Atlanta. It’s a great place to live if you work in downtown Atlanta, because you never have to get on the highway to get downtown, and you can just take Dekalb Avenue.

The city of Decatur is a very charming area of Atlanta. It has beautiful architecture. Most of the homes are Craftsman bungalow style – a lot of Victorian houses as well.

It’s close to Agnes Scott University and there’s a beautiful little downtown filled with restaurants and shops, and access to Marta, which is our local subway. And another plus for the city of Decatur is it’s got terrific schools. They’re actually some of the best in Atlanta.

Due to the high demand for the city of Decatur, and the relatively small geographic area that it covers, prices are quite high for the Atlanta area. To move into the city of Decatur in this current market, you’re looking at spending about $500,000 on maybe about a 1,000 square feet, and that house is probably not going to be updated.

The demand is extremely high there. Most houses in Decatur are going to be $500k+. Many of them are going to go for over $1 million.

Many of the people who want to live in the city of Decatur (people who work at children’s healthcare or Emory or the cdc) find that they’re actually priced out of that market. They can’t buy as much houses they need, given those current prices.

Many people who are priced out of the city of Decatur area start looking in the North Decatur area, which is obviously right next to that and they find much better home values.

North Decatur, which includes the 30329, 3003 and 30345 zip codes, has a lot of the positives of the city of Decatur, with a more accessible price point.

Also, speaking about accessibility, the North Decatur area is actually more accessible to the rest of Atlanta. It’s right off a major highway: I-85, but you can get to areas like Buckhead, Virginia Highlands and Midtown without ever getting on the highway.

One of the negatives about city of Decatur is that due to its location, it adds about 20 minutes onto any trip within the city (Atlanta), other than going into downtown Atlanta.

Now, North Decatur does not have the charming bungalows and Victorian homes like the city of Decatur, but it does have some spectacular mid-century modern homes. There are many straightforward brick ranches, but there are a lot of pockets of really cool high style mid-century homes.

In fact there’s a whole neighborhood called Amberwood that is the best example of mid-century architecture in Atlanta. When the neighborhood was built, it was required that each home be unique and designed by an architect. Robert Green, who was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright, designed several Amberwood homes.

Okay, so let’s talk about the North Decatur home market right now. The median sales price is around $460k which means that half of the homes are below $460k and half of them are above $460k. A one bedroom one bath condo will run you anywhere from about $150 to $180k. A typical three bedroom two bath 1960s ranch or split level type home, you can find for as low as $400k. A very nicely renovated ranch or split level home is going to be anywhere from $500,000 and up. The most expensive home on the market right now in this area is a $2.3 million dollar home, which is seven bedrooms and five baths and it’s a brand new build.

I live in North Decatur because I think it’s great and I think you will too! So if you’re thinking about moving to Atlanta and you’re going to be working for Emory University, Emory Hospital Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta or the CDC you really need to take a look at the North Decatur area it’s extremely convenient to all those locations we’ve got some some of the best restaurants in Atlanta. We have fantastic schools – it’s just a great community filled with great people and I think you’re going to love it!

So if you’re considering moving to Atlanta think about moving to the best place in Georgia.